Casa de Los Bytes

Inspired by Netflix show 'Casa de Papel' and other games from my youth, Casa de los byts is a maze game. The goal of the game is to go from the basement to the roof without getting caught by the security guards.

If you've ever seen or played the former GameBoy or GameBoy Advance Pokemon games, then you will be able to fit right in. The basement was based out of a cave I remember playing. Not the exact cave, because I can't remember which one it is, but the idea is that you have multiple ways of going through each level without getting caught - but each one is harder and, therefore, riskier than the other.

First steps of the game was to initially design the maze in paper. Coming from a 10x10 grid, and then figure out different ways to go through each level, thinking of walls and obstacles:


Each level is a nested array with 10 other arrays in themn. 0s represent "walkable" space, whilst 1s represent walls. The 2 is supposed to trigger a new level. After this grid is written, there has to be way to render it according to the level, so the grid is drawn everytime always depending on the level and, therefore, it's position in the array.


The player is built with 2 properties - it's position in the row and column. The player does not have a huge amount of functions: mostly movement functions that define how it moves, where it can move, and what happens when it either is seen by a guard, or reaches a stair (2s in the grid). Reaching the stairs triggers a new level, getting caught, ends the game and forces you to start over.


The guards are the real trouble makers in this game. There are guards on every level, each of them with its own properties. So the idea was to first create a guard Class and from that point on figure out movements, rotations, sizes, etc. The guards have a different "size". Originally they were thought with the same size of the player - 100x100, but then I would have to figure out how to get a "field of view" to them. Creating a guard with a light already in the image turned out to be the easiest, most sensible solution for the time restraint. Here, it is important to define this Object's dimensions, and it's action area, because it's important for whoever is playing the game to immediately know where the thief can go without getting caught.

Casa de Los Bytes's Project SreenshotCasa de Los Bytes's Project Sreenshot

Special Thanks

To the people that helped this game be live right now - the Ironhack teaching staff - Montasar, Svenja, Bruno, Min, and Pierre - the colleagues that gave me a hand either by brainstorming, or providing feedback, Catarina Rosa, for designing the levels and the characters and for Tonnyy * for letting me use the 8bit track in the game.>//